
What does IndustryFusion-Ready stand for?

The IndustryFusion-Ready (IF-Ready) logo was introduced by the IndustryFusion Foundation in 2022 to give manufacturers the opportunity to identify their Industry 4.0-ready assets. Both machines and software systems and their licences can represent an asset. Assets that fulfil the criteria of Industrie 4.0 are marked with IF-Ready. The IF Ready logo stands for the fulfilment of minimum requirements with regard to the availability of standardised semantic data & parameters, functions and globally unique identifiability.

How can I get the IndustryFusion-Ready logo for my product?

In order to receive the IF-Ready logo, assets must go through a verification process set up by the IndustryFusion Foundation. After completing the verification process, the asset must be registered with the IndustryFusion Corporation for Identification and Certification (IFRIC) to make the asset globally identifiable through a unique IF ID. Once the IF-ID has been assigned, the asset is IF-ready and may be marked with the logo.

What is the background to the introduction of the logo?

The background to the introduction of the logo is the lack of standardised labelling of Industrie 4.0-ready assets. By labelling products with the IF-Ready logo, it is immediately apparent that the labelled product meets the criteria set by the Industrie 4.0 platform. Every manufacturer has the opportunity to have their products tested and registered by the IFRIC. The cross-manufacturer networkability of assets in particular is a central requirement. Assets that are marked with the IF-Ready logo therefore enable assets from different manufacturers to be easily networked, as they have uniform data exchange formats and standardised data models.

What added value do IndustryFusion-Ready products offer?

In addition to indicating that cross-manufacturer networking is easy to implement, the logo provides information about the applicability of the labelled products for new business models and digital services such as predictive maintenance, but also Production Sharing or Equipment-as-a-Service.

Predictive maintenance refers to predictive maintenance based on stored and analysed application data in order to increase machine availability. The term Production Sharing describes the manufacturer-independent sharing of production capacities within a production network in which IndustryFusion-Ready devices are integrated. This significantly increases the flexibility and efficiency of production through higher utilisation. This particularly affects the areas of energy, material and CO2 consumption. Equipment-as-a-Service offers the possibility to rent machines to end users and to determine the regular payments based on the actual usage time. This makes it possible to avoid high capital commitments while at the same time using modern and energy-saving machines.