Photo shoot in the DemoLab
Essen Affairs magazine reports

Essen Affairs - the magazine of Messe Essen - reports on the starting signal of the Green SmartFactory, the lighthouse project of the IndustryFusion Foundation. In line with this year's motto of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN "Get connected - get digital!", Messe Essen is also focusing on the topic of digitalization in its magazine. For the reporting, a shooting of Igor Mikulina (MicroStep Europa), Dr. Michael Schnick (Kjellberg Finsterwalde), Simon Telöken (TEKA) and Gerd Weissenfels (IBEDA) took place in front of and in the future production hall of the Green SmartFactory. All four are part of the Green SmartFactory, which is actively working on the concrete implementation of digitalization and interoperable networking with IndustryFusion. Essen Affaires reports on this forward-looking collaboration and what contribution each is making to the commissioning of the model factory and thus to the realization of an Industry 4.0 solution.
You can read more about this in the 01/2023 issue of Essen Affaires (pages 8 - 15).