Full speed ahead into the digital future

Green SmartFactory 4.0 project: Milestones are defined, participants have started concrete implementation.
Currently, the machine manufacturers involved in the project are working at full speed on the first important milestone: the cross-manufacturer & standardized networking of their products with the help of the open source networking solution IndustryFusion. To this end, they are jointly creating the semantic drivers for their products, the so-called capability directories, as part of the Industry Fusion onboarding process. After the creation of the data model, IndustryFusion is physically implemented in the plants by means of a gateway (SmartBox).
Apart from the fact that, from this point on, the networked plants will be continuously presented at SmartFactory@IBN4.0 (the association's new, cross-site digital demo factory), live data from their operation can now finally be collected & analyzed. This data & information will then form the basis for the next milestone of the project: the processing of the data - i.e. the implementation of cross-manufacturer Industrie 4.0 use cases and the development of new digital customer solutions on the part of the machine manufacturers.
The major goal of the project is to jointly bring interoperable Industrie 4.0 products and solutions to the market by the Schweißen&Schneiden trade fair in 2021 at the latest. The work is supported and accelerated by the expertise of our implementation partners from the software & hardware sector such as Intel, Iteratec, codecentric, Thomas Krenn, 1&1 Ionos. In total, more than a dozen companies are involved in this one project of the Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V. alone.
Companies that find this approach exciting and also want to make their products "Industry 4.0 ready" across manufacturers with a future-proof scalable open-source networking solution can register at any time.