IndustryFusion at Intel Industrial Summit 2020

On September 23 and 24, the Intel Industrial Summit 2020 will offer in-depth knowledge & networking opportunities in the field of Industry 4.0 in 2 hours each. Intel executives will share their experiences during the digital event and leading market participants as well as experts from the manufacturing industry will speak openly about trends, challenges & successful solution approaches. The Industry Business Network 4.0 will also be part of the event: Dr. Konstantin Kernschmidt and Matt Mikulina will present the association's activities as well as the IndustryFusion networking solution in an in-depth keynote (Slot IBN 4.0 - Thursday, September 24, 15:15 to 16:05). Kernschmidt and Mikulina will discuss in particular how digital & physical technologies can be brought together in the future and in this way the dawn of a new hyper-efficient era of industry can succeed.
The virtual conferences will begin at 3pm & end at 5pm each day (Wednesday, September 23 & Thursday, September 24, 2020).
Slot IBN 4.0 - 09/24/2020 from 15:15 to 16:05