Manufacturing operators benefit from new payment model

Industry 4.0 not only requires the technical networking of assets, but also enables entirely new business models - from which manufacturing operators can benefit immensely. But how can pay-per-use or equipment-as-a-service, for example, be implemented? We are working to answer these questions intensive at other the Industry Business Network 4.0. The first concrete results were recently presented at a workshop.
Together with the association member GmbH & Co. KG and Volksbank Mittelhessen eG, the Industry Business Network 4.0 hosted the workshop "Digital Financing Models 4.0" on October 8. Due to current hygiene and protection measures, the event took place as a hybrid concept both on the premises of Volksbank Mittelhessen in Giessen and via an online meeting. Participants discussed their previous experiences with financing models and highlighted how such business models can be greatly improved in the future through the availability of real-time data using IndustryFusion.
In intensive cooperation with the machine manufacturers in the association, GmbH & Co. KG has built up a model with numerous parameters and influencing factors, through which various scenarios - e.g. with regard to capacity utilization, logistics, costs - can be mapped and thus form the basis for data-based billing.
Advantage for manufacturing operators: Initial costs can be reduced immensely
For manufacturing operators, pay-per-use business models offer numerous advantages. The shift from capital expenditures (capex) to operating expenditures (opex) makes it possible to maintain flexibility and greatly reduce initial costs, especially in challenging times. With this model, companies no longer have to buy their own machines; instead, the equipment is provided to them at a cost. Instead of high capital expenditures, the company pays only the usage costs.
After the very successful kickoff, the topic of "Digital Financing Models 4.0" is now being intensively pursued as part of the Green SmartFactory 4.0 project, and the relevant data and methods are being refined both from the machine manufacturers' side and from a financial perspective.
As a member of the Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V., the video recordings of the event are available to you.