Factory Server

Factory Server

What is the role of the Factory Server in the IndustryFusion ecosystem?

The Factory Server is the heart of the GreenSmartFactory in the infrastructure of the IndustryFusion-X Data Space. The machine data is collected by the smart boxes as semantically standardised information, sent to the Factory Server and forwarded there. At the same time, the Factory Server operates and monitors the continuous data exchange with IndustryFusion-X as a cloud-based data room. It also provides the basis for the application of new business models and digital services such as Production-Sharing , Equipment-as-a-Service or predictive maintenance.

The Factory Server also serves as an app manager for the administration and use of industrial applications from various providers. In addition, it forms the technical basis for the use of wallets and smart contracts based on blockchain technology. An integrated ERP system enables a central connection to supply chains. In addition, it offers the possibility of connecting the existing infrastructure for data exchange with software systems already in use.

Via the Factory Manager, an application for factory operators, which is installed on the Factory Server by default, the factory operator can decide which data is uploaded to the cloud or the IndustryFusion-X data room. The Fleet Manager application, which is installed as standard on the Factory Server, can create digital twin assets and establish a link between the Smartbox and the machine.

What added value does the use of a Factory Server offer me?

By processing data on the shop floor level through the Smartbox and the Factory Server, data traffic is reduced as only relevant data is processed and stored. In keeping with the motto from Big Data to Smart Data, a high level of data economy is thus achieved, resulting in reduced data management costs.

In addition, the Factory Manager enables the integration of new assets according to the plug-and-produce principle. By establishing a LAN connection between the Factory Server and the Smartbox of the asset to be integrated, the asset is automatically recognised, necessary updates are carried out and, after successful verification, the asset is released for data exchange. This also facilitates the integration of older assets (brownfield).

Through the two applications Fleet Manager and Factory Manager, the Factory Server offers both machine manufacturers and factory operators a central management unit to create, manage and use Digital Twins. In addition, a back-up of the digital twin of each connected asset is created to prevent data loss in the event of a smartbox failure. Another back-up in the cloud also ensures that no data is lost even if the factory server and smartbox fail at the same time.

Through a DevSecOps management approach, users benefit from a regular check of the security of installed programmes and stored data. The automatic execution of updates ensures the use of the latest software versions.

By installing different apps on the factory server, various added values can be created for the factory operator. CO2 balancing apps can be used to determine the CO2 emissions for the factory. Predictive maintenance apps can reduce machine downtime and optimise maintenance management. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence can support machine operation and thus increase work and functional safety.

Where can I purchase this?

Der Factory Server wird im 2. Quartal 2024 in verschiedenen Konfigurationen verfügbar sein. Je nach Fabrikgröße und der Menge an zu speichernden Daten wird die passende Konfiguration festgelegt. Sollte die Datenmenge nach dem Kauf des Factory Servers ansteigen, kann dessen Leistung einfach erweitert werden.

In order to keep the programming effort on the customer's side as low as possible, the necessary programmes and apps are pre-installed on it. This ensures simple implementation. In addition, an individual IFRIC ID has already been applied for and assigned to the purchased factory server, making it uniquely identifiable worldwide.